Bad Boys for Life (2020): Review Redux

Spoiler Warning

Bad Boys #3

This is it. 17 years in the making, Bad Boys for Life comes to us after several delays, with the same stars and powerhouse producer Jerry Bruckheimer, but with different directors.

With Marcus Burnett becoming a grandfather and Mike Lowery getting shot at, there is a new dynamic in the Bad Boys, as a new threat descends on Miami.

The new directors don’t detract from this movies quality. I liked how they tried to recreate some of what is Michael Bay’s directing style, with circle shots, slow motion, and adult humor. However, where the ‘Bayhem’ is concerned, the action here, or the movie in general, is more streamlined. When something happens, it all has to do with the story.

Will Smith and Martin Lawrence still shine as Michael and Markus, the chemistry still the same as Bad Boys and Bad Boys II.  It is good that the characters still feel themselves as this could heavily cripple the picture. Joe Pantoliano returns as Captain Howard. New to the series is a new love interest for Mike, and the younger AMMO team.

I like the story here as it continues our heroes story. Burnett and Lowery are more seasoned this time around but still have the zeal as cops. Until Burnett becomes a grandfather and decides to retire. Enter the young new  AMMO team, the high-tech entity in Miami’s law enforcement. Being young provides some funny generational humor between the team and Mike Lowery.

The AMMO team

Lorne Balfe scores this third outing and he brings back the Bad Boys theme of 90’s past. It is welcome here as I thought Bad Boys II has no particular theme.

I liked this movie despite it’s flaws. I am interested where the filmmakers take these characters. The fourth is already in the works

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